Monday, September 28, 2009

A double insult!

What you are about to read is a TRUE STORY. I am not exaggerating or making up any part of it. Last Saturday, while watching Chandler's soccer game, one of the other moms came up to me and started asking me how many kids we had, etc. I told her we had three boys. She looked at me and said, "Are you expecting or are you just chubby?" SERIOUSLY. I KID YOU NOT! Who says that kind of thing out loud! I was in a stunned silence before I replied that I had a newborn. Of course she wanted to know how old he was. Probably to see if he he was young enough to justify the 'chubbiness' of my appearance. "One month, lady, he's only one month old!" I was screaming in my head. Not only would it be bad enough for someone to ask if you were pregnant when you AREN'T, but for the other option to be chubby!?! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I chose to laugh and to tell everyone I know. Jared had to step away because he was laughing so hard. Of course, after we got home, I was thinking of all the good comebacks I should have used. 'I may be fat now, but you'll be ugly forever!' and a few others. I was actually starting to feel pretty good since I was able to wear my regular jeans and everything, but I have since been put in my place. Gym, here I come!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chandler's Poem

Chandler wrote this poem last night, and it was too cute not to share.

Me by Chandler Hemmert
No one looks the way I do
That is true.
I am special
I am me.
There is no one I 'd rather be
than me.

I think the lesson here for us all is obvious. We sure love this kid!