Monday, September 28, 2009

A double insult!

What you are about to read is a TRUE STORY. I am not exaggerating or making up any part of it. Last Saturday, while watching Chandler's soccer game, one of the other moms came up to me and started asking me how many kids we had, etc. I told her we had three boys. She looked at me and said, "Are you expecting or are you just chubby?" SERIOUSLY. I KID YOU NOT! Who says that kind of thing out loud! I was in a stunned silence before I replied that I had a newborn. Of course she wanted to know how old he was. Probably to see if he he was young enough to justify the 'chubbiness' of my appearance. "One month, lady, he's only one month old!" I was screaming in my head. Not only would it be bad enough for someone to ask if you were pregnant when you AREN'T, but for the other option to be chubby!?! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I chose to laugh and to tell everyone I know. Jared had to step away because he was laughing so hard. Of course, after we got home, I was thinking of all the good comebacks I should have used. 'I may be fat now, but you'll be ugly forever!' and a few others. I was actually starting to feel pretty good since I was able to wear my regular jeans and everything, but I have since been put in my place. Gym, here I come!


Erin said...

You have GOT to be FREAKING kidding me!!! I want to spit on that lady. Seriously I would have stepped in and shared a few choice words in your defense had I been there. What a *$&#@. Anyway, take it one day at a time and don't be hard on yourself. I can't believe the nerve of some people. Do you think it was Tourettes Syndrome? That lady needs an excuse for being so LAME!!!

Fritz said...

I know it's wrong to hate...but I totally hate that woman and want to punch her in the nose.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comments. I can't believe someone would have the gall to say something like that. Seriously? Chubby? Who SAYS that?

Can't believe it. Was anyone else around? If I was there I would have taken her head off for ya.

Melanie said...

What an IDIOT!!!! I can't believe that! Was she a mom of one the kids on your son's team? If so, that at least gives you the chance to see her throughout the season and ... well, I don't know. But you at least have time to come up with something brilliant so you can show her! Geeeeeez.

Ooh, I just thought of a good one you could have used: "Are you just rude, or do you have a learning disability?"

"Are you ugly, or were you in an unfortunate accident?"

"Does your husband hate you, or is that just your niece I saw him with last weekend?"

On the flip side, I'm 21 weeks pregnant with #3, so I'm showing quite a bit at this point (much more than I was with #1 this far along) and NO ONE has asked me if I'm pregnant. Having just moved here a month ago, I think everyone just thinks I am chubby! At least no one's asking me lame questions like yours though.

Debbie Feller said...

Oh Jaime... that lady was REALLY out of place. I don't know many people that look like themselves a month after having a baby (Christin is still struggling & River is 4-1/2 months). You're doing just fine!!! I'm glad you're laughing!!!

Megan said...

Oh no she didn't!! Extremely rude, but also could be in a sitcom :)

Paula Harline said...

No social skills. Thanks for a good laugh.

The Andersons: said...

Wow! Remind me never to go to your soccer games! I'm glad that you were able to laugh it off, but it would have made me feel better if you had gotten in one of those comments!

Mara said...

You aren't chubby?! What was she thinking!

Mara said...

I didn't mean for that to be a question mark... I ment for it to be an exclamation point.

LaurieJ said...

OH, to have been standing next to you!!!
I went visiting teaching when rachel was 5 weeks old and had the stupid girl ask me how much longer I had. I swear people do it on purpose. I had an awesome partner that said something snotty in return though. It was awesome! So much for the spirit of VTing, but I wish I could have been your partner that day!

Mindy Hill said...

No, seriously...was that someone from my ward. I think there is only one person crazy enough to actually say that to you. I think you are fabulous darling, just the way you are! XO