Monday, December 14, 2009

Lumps of coal all around...

I probably mentioned last year that Santa is on speed dial this time of year. We speak often. In fact, per Santa's instructions, Chandler and Preston have had their stockings removed from the mantle. It's quite sad, really. Christmas morning, they will look longingly at baby Ashton's gifts and be filled with regret, I'm sure. With only 11 days to go, please pray for my boys (and me) that they can get their act together QUICKLY. According to Preston, lumps of coal make your hands all greasy and aren't any fun at all.


The Andersons: said...

I'll pray for your boys if you pray for mine! It seems like they are far worse than usual! Good Luck! ...Oh, where do you buy coal anyway?

Julie Hemmert said...

Did you do that Santa app? The one where you record a message and it replays back in Santa's voice, like he is on the phone? A lady in SL created it. Maybe that will scare them into being better? I am sorry. I will pray. We need to do something before Friday!