Saturday, June 7, 2008

Strengthen your family!

Awhile ago, our High Councilman gave an excellent talk that included 15 things we can do together to increase the strength of our family.  Jared was out with Preston, and I was kicking myself that I wasn't taking notes so that I could share it with him and others.  Fortunately, our Bishop decided to put the list in our ward newsletter this month, so now I have the opportunity to share it with all of you.  (Talk was given by Bryan Pope, Sharon Stake High Council).

1.  Turn off distractions.
Not just bad things, but anything that distracts from family unity.
2.  Set meaningful, adequately high, yet attainable expectations.
Discuss and set expectations as a family.  Be clear and make sure everyone understands them thoroughly.
3.  Pray together as a family and individually every day.
There's great strength in having family members pray for each other.
4.  Read scriptures together as a family and individually every day.
The promise of increased love and understanding is true!
5.  Attend church meetings as a family every Sunday.
Then discuss what each person learned over Sunday dinner or in family council.
6.  Hold regular Family Home Evenings every Monday night.
Actively promote harmony, understanding and involvement in the home.
7.  Spend quality and quantity time together.
No one on his deathbed ever uttered the words, "I wish I had spent more time at the office."
8.  Mom, be at home at all costs.
Carefully consider what this means in your situation and to your family.
9.  Dad, be at home at all costs.
It is easy to let outside distractions keep us away.  Work hard, and then be with your family.
10.  Hold regular, conversational interviews with the children.
Interviews, not interrogations.  Make open communications part of a healthy family culture.
11.  Give Father's blessings.
At the beginning of school, during difficult times, before missions, before marriage, etc.
12.  Settle all disputes, issues, and differences before the close of the day.
Seek understanding and forgiveness; Live each day as if it were your entire lifetime; Focus on what is important today.
13.  Actively inject spiritual influences into the home.
Listen to good, uplifting music; Provide mutual support of each other's undertakings and interests; Create opportunities to share spiritual experiences and feelings.
14.  Eat together.
Prepare meals as a family and use this opportunity to teach valuable skills to children; Sit down and enjoy the meal with good conversation; Clean up together.  Don't leave it to Mom or one individual; many studies support the power and positive influence of family dinnertime.
15.  Create family traditions centered around gospel living.
Provide opportunities for service both within the family and to others.

Good stuff, right?  Feel free to add some of your own in the comments.


Melanie said...

Thanks! That's such a great list!

BTW, I love the Milli Vanilli going on in the background. Nice touch!

Megan said...

That's an awesome list, Jaime! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Cassie said...

That IS good stuff. Thanks for sharing it. Love it.

Shea said...

Those are great! Maybe we'll talk about them at our next FHE. Thanks for sharing!

Jenny said...

Cool blog. It will be fun to keep updated on you guys! Carrie and Laura also have one: