Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm actually going to run...I think.

Let me start by saying, I hate running and always have.  But having said that, I really admire and even envy my running friends and family members, so I have decided to run the Freedom Festival 5k this year.  It's always been good for me to have something to work toward.  By putting this out into cyberspace, I am trying to further commit myself.  First of all,  I know 5k is not that far, but I am not a runner, so for me to be able to run the whole distance will really be something.  Most of my friends and family could run this (and beat me!) in their sleep, but I'm trying to not let intimidate me.  My sister, Natalie, an avid runner who has even won a 5k herself, is going to run with me.  (When I say run with me, I mean start the race with me).  She'll be fully recovered and finishing her breakfast by the time I'm done, but that's okay with me.  

I started running about 3 weeks ago.  I still don't like it.  For my runner friends out there, when does it get fun?  Until this morning, I have been running on the treadmill at the gym.  I'm up to a couple of miles, though now, and it is very boring at the gym.  I just keep looking at the display panel wishing it would move along faster.  I decided to run outside this morning, so the plan was to park my car at Will's and run on the path so that I would know how far I was running.  It turns out you are not supposed to park there so I decided to park at Riverwoods and run the other direction.  On my way to Riverwoods, I noticed there were a couple of homeless-types with all their stuff along the path, and NO OTHER RUNNERS.  I guess it wasn't such a great idea, so I went home and decided to run from home.  I did it, and now I need to find some places to run from my house.  If anyone sees me running, pretend you don't see me; it will make me feel better about this.

My goal is not to run the race fast, but be able to actually run the whole distance.  I simply want to be able to run 5k and not die.  Whether or not, I continue to run after the race is a big question mark.  I would like to think that by then, it will be enjoyable, and I will want to keep running.  Only time will tell, I guess.


Erin said...

You are awesome!!! You can totally do it. I still don't like running, but the feeling of accomplishment is worth the pain.

check out

I love this site. You should join them. I love it and it is so encouraging.

Good Luck Sexy Momma,


Macy said...

Jaime- I loved this blog! I am also not a runner, but I'm trying to be. I run at the Gym three times a week, do you go to Gold's? I ran (hahaha) into Maria Nielsen and her husband yesterday at the Gym. Now they are some power runners. I don't know if it gets fun, but I now know I feel lazy if I I have to do it! I find it easier to run on the treadmill with an i-pod, and a show on the T.V. (I need total distraction from the fact that I'm running) Good luck!!! I hope to see you running around town!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! You will do great because anything you put your mind to you totally accomplish :-) Keep at it!

Julie Hemmert said...

I am walking. Maybe a jog here and there. I will hit the finish line way behind you. I guess we should drive separately :)

Megan said...

Awesome Jaime! I wish I even wanted to do something like this, it would be good for me. Maybe sometime... It would help with the "Carrie" legs, though!

Anonymous said...

Jaime, love your blog! Time flies. I can't believe it's been 8 years since we left Toronto!
As for the running thing, I totally understand everything you were saying - sometimes I feel like I'm going to cough up a lung or something.
The only thing that makes the time go by for me is some good music.