Monday, January 12, 2009

Change is good, right?

Well the day I'd been dreading for a long time, finally came. Our bishop called me into his office and told that I was going to be released from Young Women's and put into Primary as the CTR 5 teacher. I actually shed a few tears in the Bishop's office. It wasn't because of what I was heading toward, but what I was leaving behind. I'm sure Primary will be a great new adventure and I will love it, but I am definitely going to miss all of the girls that I've gotten to know so well the past 4 years in Young Women's. Maybe it's because mentally, I'm still 16 years old, but Young Women's has been a really great experience for me. I guess I'll try to look at the positives!

  • I can plan a vacation for sometime in July instead of going to Girls Camp and getting dirty and stinky for days on end.
  • My Wednesday nights have just been freed up
  • There's a better chance of getting 'snacks' with the 4 year olds than the 14 year olds
  • I can become reacquainted with my long lost favorite past time of coloring
  • I'll get to keep an eye on my boys in sharing time and make sure they are really being as good as their teachers claim they are.
So I made it through my last Young Women's theme and didn't have a total meltdown. I guess I'll be ok. New Beginnings on Wednesday will be quite literal for me, but I guess that's what life's all about, right?


Julie Hemmert said...

Change is good. I have never been in the YW though. Crazy, huh?? I guess primary/nursery is my calling in life!

LaurieJ said...

Oh! I feel your pain...when I was released I cried for a month. Hopefully you are not as dramatic as I am :-) And if you think the YW scoop on their families just wait to talk to your new class!
You will be a great teacher and I'm sure your girls will miss you terribly!