Friday, June 6, 2008

Pinewood Derby 2008

From the title of this post, you probably thought, "Pinewood Derby?  That's weird.  They don't have anyone of 'scout' age in their family."  This year our ward did an Elder's Quorum vs. YM pinewood derby.  Jared got really into it.  He took his car to his office and used his 'dental' tools to drill out areas and then filled them with amalgam.  He spent countless hours in our garage working with our little boys observing.  His car was painted and repainted at least a few times.  BUT, it was all worth it, when he won FIRST PLACE!  Jared's dad and Brother and 3 of our Hemmert nephews came to watch.  Wynn said, that Jared finally broke the Hemmert Pinewood derby curse.  (I guess they have come in second place numerous times over the years).  Jared is already looking forward to Chandler being in scouts so they can do it again.
A Sampling of some of the cars.  I think the Swiss Army knife one is really cool.  His car is the gold one with black stripes: #5.  Chandler chose 5, because he's 5 (obviously).
Chandler with the winning car.
The Champion and his car!  **P.S. Sorry about the cultural hall lighting.
Good ol' Number 5 is now mounted and on display in Jared's office. 


Mike Bohn said...

Being a gearhead myself, I have to give Jared a big "well done."

Anonymous said...

great job Jared! Jim and our boys spent alot of time studying and planning, then building the boys cars. Dallin got 4th I think. The winners of his races had ordered theirs online so the dad's were a bit ripped that it wasn't hand made! Isn't that what it's all about??!?!