Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Boy am I in trouble!

I recently watched the movie Enchanted for the first time with my kids. Even though it was a "Princess" movie, I knew they would like it for the silliness, sword-fighting and the dragon. I was right! Preston especially loved it and has watched it a few times now. Yesterday, I found out that while playing in the backyard with Chandler and a little neighborhood girl he often plays with, Preston experienced his first kiss. This little lover boy is only 3! I am doomed! I made sure that she wasn't upset and actually wanted him to kiss her. I guess they were playing "princess." We had a talk about not kissing people who aren't in our family (at this age anyway). I told him he could kiss another girl after his mission. A little extreme maybe, but it works for me!


Heidi said...

You're in trouble Jaime!! You've got a ladies' man on your hand! :)

LaurieJ said...

That is awesome :-)

Ryan has always liked the girls. No one is scared of cooties at our house!

"M" Clan said...

oh dear, the kissing stage! Kaleb is the only boy in his primary class and the girls are constantly kissing him! It's been 6 months!

Julie Hemmert said...

That is my favorite show! Mason loves it too but luckily he is too young to draw conclusions. Preston is going to be a little charmer!