Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

I've decided to regularly post about things I'm grateful for in an effort to pay better attention to the great blessings I have in my life. I'm going to try to do this often, so if it's been awhile, REMIND ME! Here are the first five...
1. I am very grateful to have a husband who works very hard each day so that I can stay at home with our kids. I know some people choose not to do this, and I truly respect them for their choice. I am always in awe of the amazing balancing act they do. I'm just glad that we have the opportunity to choose what we have chosen.
2. I am grateful that we live so close to both of our families. It truly is a blessing for Chandler and Preston to have grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins so close. It's also very convenient when you need a babysitter in a pinch. :)
3. I'm thankful for our amazing ward. I know a lot of people probably feel this way about their own wards, but it feels so amazing to worship with SO MANY amazing people each week. How did they all end up right here?
4. I am grateful to be serving in the Young Women's organization. I've had a lot of callings before and they have been fine. I've learned a lot and they have all been good experiences. But for some reason, I just LOVE Young Womens. Maybe I'm just 15 at heart and feel like I finally fit in. :)
5. I am thankful for Spring finally starting to make its presence known. My bulbs are just starting to poke through the ground and a couple even have flowers on them!

That's it for now. There are many more, but I'll save those for next time.


Amy, Spencer, and Kids said...

I am grateful for number 5 too. Yeah! Spring. That was a sweet post.

Anonymous said...

The YW used to tease me at how emotional I would get when we say the theme. There are things that you just appreciate more the 2nd time around :-) When are we going to dinner??