Saturday, March 1, 2008

Purse tag

I have been "purse tagged" so here is a picture of my purse with its contents. On the plus side, after dumping everything out, I decided it was time to pull out one of the many purses I have in the basement and switch to a new one for spring. It's even a white one (I know, it's before Memorial Day, but I don't care). If that's not optimism, I don't know what is.This is my purse that has now taken up residence in the basement.
Contents: Costco coupons (essential), make case full of different lipsticks, wallet, checkbook, pen, wadded up Kleenex (gross!), bandaids (essential with 2 boys), camera (just the case as the camera itself is in use), Luau tickets, and boarding passes from our Hawaii trip. There was also some crumbs and a penny that didn't make it into the picture. Everyone else I know who has a blog and would be likely to respond to this has already done it, but I will 'attempt' to tag my sister-in-laws! Amanda, Julie, Heidi, Megan and Natalie, the ball is in your court!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime,

Your blog is so fun! Sorry about the purse tag...but I don't even own a purse! I know, crazy, maybe someday...

Julie Hemmert said...

I'm sorry too. I don't carry a purse and I have yet to answer a tag on my blog. Mine is a diaper bag. It consists of toys, diapers, wipes, wallet, and McDonald's straws (the best disposable toy ever)! I am sure there are crumbs and coupons too.

Linemoren said...

Jamie!!!! I am totally hurt and offended that you think I wouldn't be "taggable"!!!!! How rude!!!

Nah just kidding, I'll put my own up, no hard feelings, I promise ;)

Bare tullet vet du! :)