Thursday, July 10, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

It's been too long since I've done this.  I was on a roll there for awhile, though.  I'll try to do better.  Here a few things I'm grateful for right now.

1.  My sweet husband who took great care of me and the kids when I was really sick Tuesday night.  He made dinner, cleaned up and got them to bed.  I was overcome with fever, but hopefully I said Thank You!
2.  The flowers that Jared sent me on Wednesday to say 'Hope you feel better.'  (see picture)
3.  Great swimming teacher, Ashley.  She somehow got our timid, Chandler to swim without assistance across the pool, float on his back and jump off the diving board without his life jacket.  He made amazing progress!  Far exceeded my expectations!
4.  Progress toward Preston being potty trained!  He's not there yet, but he's getting closer.
5.  Health!  After being sick, I really appreciate how good I feel right now!


Melanie said...

I'm sorry you were sick! No wonder you were sympathizing with my post! Glad you're feeling better now.

Julie Hemmert said...

Jaime! I didn't know you were sick! That is sure sweet of Jared to send you flowers and take the kids!