Monday, July 7, 2008

One of my favorite shows!

I have to share one of my new obsessions with you.  It is a show called 'Flipping Out' on Bravo.  It is a reality show about this guy, Jeff Lewis, who is a real estate investor who buys houses, remodels them and resells them.  He is very good at what he does, but he also has OCD.  It makes for some very funny situations.  I really like it because I find 'flipping houses' really interesting and I guess I can relate to the guy in a very slight way. You know the basic everyone is imcompetent but me kind of way. (Note: sarcasm!)  It is on Tuesday nights.  I don't know what time since I always just watch it on DVR when I get around to it.  You should have seen the episode in which his assistant forgot to order 'no onions' on his salad.  It was hilarious!
Check out the clip below (pause the music player on the right sidebar):


Melanie said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! I've seen commercials for it but never seen the show. Love the clip you posted ... what a nut case! I'll have to watch.