Monday, July 7, 2008

It's here again!

What would July be without the Tour de France! Jared and I have been huge fans since the early-Lance Armstrong days. We even upgraded our cable just so that we could watch the Tour a few years ago. (The Melrose Place re-runs were an added bonus, but I digress). Due to all the doping scandals of the last few years, there is no favorite in this years Tour. It's anyone's race! Versus has 4 hours of coverage each day, and it is a huge time committment to watch it all. Fortunately, we can use our DVR and fast forward to the last bit to watch the finish of each stage. I'm sure we'll watch more on the weekends. If you haven't checked it out in awhile, or if you have 4 hours to spare, tune into to Versus each morning;(The commentators are a hoot as well). You should know there are 2 new American teams this year too! Go Team Columbia!